Tag Archives: Dean White

Quick Cap — Epsode 9 “True North” recap, review, etc.

Episode 9 True North

Hansel, Gretel, and the Evil Queen in one of the best costumes yet!

I’m trying something different this week. I’m writing a “quick cap” right after watching the episode. I’ll also post a “slow cap” by the end of the week, after I’ve had a chance to rewatch the episode, think about it a bit, and get more screenshots. (Editing to add 1/17: On second thought, one recap is more than enough, but I may have some thoughts on various aspects of the episode that I will post later.)

Hansel and Gretel are homeless in both worlds, Emma lies to Henry about his father, and a mysterious stranger comes to town in this episode — which was probably the weakest episode yet. Continue reading