About upcoming episode 2×14 “Manhattan,” airing February 17, 2013

Neal Cassidy's Manhattan room (with "Cleaner and Hatters" sign in the background), as seen in episode 2x01 "Broken"

Manhattan room (with “Cleaner and Hatters” sign in the background) of Neal Cassidy (formerly known as “mysterious man”) as seen in episode 2×01 “Broken”

There will be a new episode on Feb. 17, called Manhattan. As you may remember, the beginning of Broken — the first episode of Season 2 — was set in Manhattan, so presumably we will be picking up where we left off then.

More info (warning: potential spoilers) after the jump. Continue reading

Poll: What did you think of episode 2×12 “In the Name of the Brother”?

Once Upon a Time In the Name of The Brother

Dr. Frankenstein tries to revive his brother.

What did you think of In the Name of the Brother, which aired on January 20, 2013?

Please leave any comments you may have below.

Sneak peeks for 2×12 In The Name of the Brother

Four video clips are after the jump (warning: spoilers) Continue reading

Once Upon a Time on hiatus until February 10

Once Upon at Time is taking another break. In the Name of the Brother, which aired on January 20, 2013, was the last episode before this new break. For the two weeks following Jan. 20, there won’t be/weren’t any new OUAT episodes.

On Sunday, January 27, 2013, there was a rerun of episode 2×03 Lady of the Lake at the show’s regular time (8:00 ET).

Sunday, February 3, 2013, is going to be the Super Bowl (on CBS), and ABC isn’t even going to try to compete. They’re just going to show a rerun of America’s Funniest Home Videos in the Once Upon a Time timeslot.

The week after that, February 10, 2013, Once Upon a Time will be back with a new episode 2×13 Tiny, which will guest star Jorge Garcia as the Giant. Then the following week, February 17, 2013, will be another new episode, 2×14 Manhattan.

(updated 1/29/13)

Info on upcoming episode 2×13 “Tiny” airing Feb. 13, 2013

Jorge Garcia as the Giant earlier this season in 2x06 Tallahassee

Jorge Garcia as the Giant earlier this season in 2×06 Tallahassee

After 2×12 In the Name of the Brother, which will air on January 20, 2013, Once Upon a Time is going to take another hiatus and will not return until three weeks later, on Feb. 13.

On that date, Jorge Garcia will be back for his second appearance as the Giant. Official description and list of guest stars after the jump (contains spoilers — including the name of the stranger whose car hit Hook in The Outsider): Continue reading

Who is driving the car that hits Hook at the end of “The Outsider”?

Car hitting Hook at the end of 2x11 ""The Outsider"

Car hitting Hook at the end of 2×11 “”The Outsider”

On an earlier post, we’ve been talking about the possible meaning of 2KFL138, the Pennsylvania license plate that the camera focuses on at the very end of the episode. Here’s a related question (that some people have already started discussing on the earlier post):

Who is the driver of the car?

Why is he or she entering Storybrooke? Did the driver deliberately try to hit Rumpelstilskin and/or Belle? Is it someone we have seen before, or at least heard of?

Let’s look at some of the clues. (After the jump) (possible spoilers) Continue reading