This looks very good! Much better than I had expected from the show’s description. Great chemistry between the romantic leads. Sinister doctors. Lots of tension. I’m drawn in — and rooting for Alice — already! What about you?
(Editing to add: If you can’t see the trailer, there’s another copy in the comments below, which should play on more systems.)
What trailer?
This page is behaving really strangely for iPad/Safari. I added the YouTube link cause I didn’t see the trailer, just a still photo of Alice sitting at a table being grilled by her doctors.
Comment for the spinoff…much better special effects than the original show.
Oh, okay, thanks.
Yes, special effects are better. And the set design is very atmospheric. Great production values overall — like movie quality. I hope that holds true throughout the series and that they didn’t just pull out all the stops for the pilot alone.
Just thinking — I like that Alice is a young woman here, and not a child as she was in the Lewis Carroll book. That lets romance into the story (as we’ve seen), and it also lets Alice be a stronger heroine. In the book, Alice was basically bewildered by everything going on around her — which was fine in the book but might wear thin in an ongoing TV series, where you need more dramatic tension. Also, a child actor might not be able to carry the show as the lead. So it was a good decision on the part of the creators to make her older.
Yeah it is better that she is older because if she was a child the plot and storylines would have to be limited.
What bothers me about this spin-off is that TPTB will now be dividing their creative resources between two shows. They already seem to have taken a lot of dramatic shortcuts with OUAT in season 2 and I don’t want to see the show suffer further because the writers and producers are distracted by a new pet project. I’m not anti- Wonderland in theory; I just want Once Upon a Time to be the best it can be.