The Evil Queen on horseback, in a Season 2 scene (screencap from a new promo)
ABC has announced that the Once Upon a Time Season Two Premiere (airing Sunday, September 30, 8:00 to 9:00 pm Eastern time) is called “Broken.” It was written by show creators Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, and directed by Ralph Hemecker, who previously directed Hat Trick and 7:15 A.M.
More info — including the plot synopsis (which will reveal whether or not the Storybrooke characters will be transported back to Fairytale Land) and a list of guest stars — is after the jump (close your eyes if you want to remain unspoiled): ~~~~~~~~~~
Here’s the official plot synopsis:
In the Season Two premiere episode, “Broken,” reality and myth begin to merge as the fairytale characters awaken from Evil Queen Regina’s broken curse and remember who they were. But to their dismay, they aren’t transported back to fairytale land. To make matters worse, Rumplestiltskin – aka Mr. Gold – in an effort to gain the upper hand in his power struggle with Regina, has introduced magic into the town. In fairytales magic has its place, but in our world it can have unfathomable consequences. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land, Prince Phillip awakens his sleeping beauty, Aurora (Sarah Bolger, “The Tudors”), but discovers that he and his traveling companion, Mulan (Jamie Chung, “Sucker Punch,” “The Hangover Part II”), will soon have to face a deadly foe.
Guest stars:
Raphael Sbarge as Archie Hopper/Jiminy Cricket
Lee Arenberg as Leroy/Grumpy
David Anders as Dr. Whale
Keegan Connor Tracy as Mother Superior/Blue Fairy
Michael Raymond-Jones as mysterious man
Beverley Elliott as Granny
Sarah Bolger as Aurora
Jamie Chung as Mulan
David-Paul Grove as Doc
Gabe Khouth as Mr. Clark/Sneezy
Faustino Di Bauda as Walter/Sleepy
Jeffrey Kaiser as Dopey
Michael Coleman as Happy
Mig Macario as Bashful
Julian Morris as Prince Phillip
(In an earlier draft of this post, I wrote that Jamie Dornan as Sheriff Graham was listed among the episode’s guest stars — but I made a mistake — I had pulled up the wrong press release. Apologies to anyone who saw that and got their hopes up.)